Come up with the “question” that you want to explore through an essay of 6–8 pp.

April 8, 2024

Come up with the “question” that you want to explore through an essay of 6–8 pp.
(Times New Roman, 12 points, double-spaced).
-Think of this question as emerging from a common thread you may have seen running through two films. As an example, you may observe the theme of the “city” threading different weeks.
-Consider what intrigues you about this observation and try to phrase it as a question; to continue the example from above, “How does the Hindi film imagine the city?”
-Now that you have a “central question,” come up with 2 or 3 constituent parts of this question: “What is the subjective experience of city life in the films?;” “What aspects of city life does the film capture, and which does it ignore?” etc. These can become the subheadings within your essay.
-Your discussions must be grounded in the films we have watched and the contexts we have learned in class, so:
-Identify key historical, industrial, or other relevant contexts that will help you ground your discussion.
-Identify specific sequences (scenes or songs, for example) that illuminate your discussion.
The plan of my essay with the specific central question, sub-questions, two readings, and two films will be provided directly to the writer.

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