CLASS NEWSLETTER ASSIGNMENT You are to develop a two page- (8.5 x 11) newsletter

April 30, 2024

You are to develop a two
page- (8.5 x 11) newsletter that you would be sending out to the parents of
your students.
Follow theses steps to ensure
the inclusion of all necessary components of this assignment.
1) Identify the grade you are
working with.
2) Develop a fictional name
for your school and its geographic location.
3) First page of your
newsletter must include articles that address the following: (not copied from
the Internet,  you must write all
a) A description of the events that you class will be
involved in during the period of May 1 to the end of the school year. (Dates,
activities, purpose)
b) An article about the following curricular areas and what
the students will be doing in each area. Must include ELA, Math, Science and
Social Studies.
c) Article recognizing outstanding performance of several
students. Indicate names and why they are being recognized.
4) Second page must include
articles on:
a) Depending on the grade level- Younger students =
abduction prevention. Older students = Internet safety.
b) Description of fictional fund-raiser. How students will
participate and what the funds will be used for.
c) Summer safety
Use photos and clip art to
spice up you newsletter

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