Citizens United v. FEC has had a profound impact on the role of money in America

April 21, 2024

Citizens United v. FEC has had a profound impact on the role of money in American politics, reshaping election dynamics and fueling ongoing debates about the influence of wealthy special interests on our democratic process. While the Supreme Court ruled that political spending by corporations and unions were a form of First Amendment-protected speech, the decision also paved the way for the creation of Super PACs and allowed for unlimited, often undisclosed, contributions to political campaigns.
In at least 750 words, explain whether you agree with Justice Kennedy or Justice Stevens’ position. You should bring in support from the Frontline documentary. More important, you should also connect your position to one of the theories of the First Amendment that we discussed early in the semester: e.g., Marketplace of Ideas, Meiklejohn’s Self-Governance Theory, or the First Amendment supporting Self-Fulfillment or Self-Realization.  Your essay should make an argument, and it should be clear to an outside reader what your position is and how you have justified it.
You will be graded based on:
the clarity of your argument
whether you clearly identify and explain your agreement with Justice Kennedy or Justice Stevens’ position on Citizen United v. FEC
whether you integrate outside evidence and First Amendment theory into your essay
grammar, mechanics, organization, and structure

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