Choose one topic between the three: Kleine Levine Syndrome, Stiff Person Syndrom

June 21, 2024

Choose one topic between the three: Kleine Levine Syndrome, Stiff Person Syndrome, or Wilson’s Disease
Must have a Cover Page (Title, Your Name, Date, Class, and Instructor’s Name)
DO NOT write your name, course name, date, and professor’s name or the name of your paper on every page (This info goes on the cover page).
For the Body of the paper: Write a minimum of 1500 words. The reference and cover pages do not count as part of the 1500 words. You are encouraged to write more than the minimum to receive a good grade. 
When writing your paper, please follow this outline and in this specific order:
a.         Introduction
b.         Statistics
c.         Pathophysiology (Causes)
d.         Signs and Symptoms
e.         Diagnosis
f.      Treatment
g.     Prognosis
h.     Prevention
i.       Complications (if any)
j.       Conclusion
References (at least 3 references). If you use the internet, dates and authors must be listed. DO NOT list your textbook, a dictionary, or Wikipedia’s as references.
Use APA formatting style.
Don’t COPY & PASTE anything directly from your resources. Find the information, read it, and summarize it using your own words. Any plagiarism/artificial intelligence/chatgpt will result in a zero grade for the paper. Up to 20% matching for quotes and small phrases will be accepted. More than 20% will be considered plagiarism, and it will reduce your paper grade. 40% or more matching will result in a Zero grade for the paper.

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