Choose one question to answer:

March 21, 2022

Choose one question to answer:
1. Choose either Locke or Rousseau and discuss their view of human nature, the state of nature, the social contract, and the purpose and structure of civil government.
2. Choose two of the three social contract theorists that we have read: Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. For those two theorists, compare and contrast human nature, the state of nature, the social contract, and the purpose and structure of civil government in their political thought.
3. Discuss Rousseau’s argument about the general will. What is it, what problem is solved by this concept, and how is it important to Rousseau’s social contract? Assess this argument: are you convinced, and why or why not?
4. Compare and contrast Locke and Rousseau’s arguments about war, just war, slavery and human nature.
5. Choose either Locke or Rousseau and discuss his views on war, just war, slavery, and human nature. Compare/contrast these views with Locke’s reputation as a founder of liberalism or with Rousseau’s reputation as a theorist of equality.

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