Choose ONE of the sins listed in the Inferno and write a 4-6-page essay as to wh

July 9, 2024

Choose ONE of the sins listed in the Inferno and write a 4-6-page essay as to whether the punishment is appropriate to the sin. Research “contrapasso.” Do not simply regurgitate what you read from the internet. 
Cite specific references from the text that you elaborate on. 
It may require that you do some background research on a few things, such as the medieval understanding of Christianity or the historical context (ex. WHY the popes in hell are suffering the way that they are based on what did on Earth).  
Explain how the punishment is an inversion of the sin. 
Discuss why/how the encounter is important for the pilgrim Dante. Why is it important for him to speak with this person? How does it affect his development as a “hero?” 
Provide a Work Cited page
Use our required textbook page numbers only. 
Do not use any generative text AI to compose, edit, or revise. 
See the Rubric in the COURSE RESOURCES module to evaluate your work. 
Also, the book you need to use is from the Norton anthology World Literature Volume B page 394-547. The only source can be this book

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