. Choose a work of art from the textbook or presentations and: Identify the styl

May 24, 2024

Choose a work of art from the textbook or presentations and:
Identify the style of the piece – realistic, representational, abstract, or expressionistic. Explain why you think the piece is this style. Indicate whether or not you think the piece could fall under more than one style. Explain.  You may also choose to explore the style in other ways, such as the style of the artist, or the movement or cultural period to which the artist is attached. 
Identify the subject if applicable.  If not applicable, be more detailed in your description of the following.
Describe the overall composition (layout) of the piece. Be specific.
Identify at least three of the visual elements of art and how these elements work to enhance the piece.
Does the piece contain underlying or symbolic meanings or themes? (Hint: it probably does, so look hard.) Explain.
Discuss the context in which the piece was created. Remember that context can apply to the era or movement in which the piece was created, the artist who created it and his/her beliefs/values/nationality/upbringing/etc., or how the piece was received critically both at the time and now.  For the purposes of this assignment, please discuss the era in which the piece was created, and if known, any pertinent facts about the artist that relate to the context of the piece. 
Using the document “Learning to See”, which you can find in the Reviews module, should help you a great deal.
Use the textbook and presentations only.  You should not need to “research” your chosen work of art other than to, perhaps, look up the subject of the work.   This writing assignment is designed to get you used to using the vocabulary you’ve just learned when you discuss art.
Links provided for this assignment 
I have attached all the presentations provided 

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