Chemistry is a class that requires a lot of study time.  It is also a class that

May 10, 2024

Chemistry is a class that requires a lot of study time.  It is also a class that has cumulative concepts so it is nearly impossible to catch up once behind.  Therefore it is essential to have a study plan for the semester. The purpose of this assignment is to have you think about what will work best for you on an individual level. 
After reviewing the resources, make up a study plan that represents a typical week during the semester and submit to this assignment.
It is not necessary to plan each individual week, but instead dedicate time throughout a typical week in your life.
It’s ok if you’re unsure how each week will go in the course. You will have a chance to revisit your plan after the first test.
This study plan may take whatever format you like: a calendar, a checklist, a flow chart, a narrative, etc.  But, it should include: 1) time budgeted, 2) a strategy for each aspect of the class including interacting with the e-text and videos, guided inquiry, homework, regular study time, and virtual labs, 3) extra measures taken before tests.  Googling ‘study plan’ is a good way to get ideas.
You may use whatever tools you like – hand-drawn, computer processed, etc.  This assignment is for you to begin the semester with intentionality! 
I have attached a screenshot of resources and also added links. 
Valencia’s “Keep Learning” Resources
List of resources to help you with Online Learning. Visit these website for more info:
Valencia’s Keep Learning:
Valencia’s How to Succeed:
Valencia’s Getting Help:

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