Can I Have a Word? A “stipulative word or phrase” is a declaration of a meaning

June 21, 2024

Can I Have a Word?
A “stipulative word or phrase” is a declaration of a meaning that is intended to be attached by the speaker to a word, expression, or symbol and usually does not already have an established use in the sense intended. Stipulative definitions often get started as jargon or slang and are initially limited to a particular group of people. Young people may create new terminology such as “beer goggles” and “hooking up” as a way of distancing themselves from previous generations.
Initial post 300 words or more. Peer Post minimum of 100 words for each post.
Step 1: Contribute three stipulative words that are currently trending. Please discuss with the class what these words tell us about our society and how it is evolving. Discuss how understanding these changes can help us be better communicators and critical thinkers.

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