Business Plan Instructions – Due Tuesday, April 23, 2024 by 11:59pm I need a bus

April 22, 2024

Business Plan Instructions – Due Tuesday, April 23, 2024 by 11:59pm
I need a business plan for for a small bakery with unique pastries and cakes done in the form of a powerpoint. 
Throughout this semester, you will develop a business plan for a business that you are thinking about opening, or one that you would be interested in owning.  Following the Sample Student Business Plan in back of your textbook, complete the following. Submit in PowerPoint format.
Cover page
full legal name of your organization/business
name of majority owners
date of plan
Executive Summary
Description of your business idea and the nature of the target market
Type of organization (e.g. C Corporation, LLC, sole proprietorship)
Brief description of the products and/or services you will offer
Key success factors
Short-term business goals (less than one year)
Resources and skills that you and other owners and managers have that will help you make your organization successful, plus other skills needed and how they will be obtained
Mission statement for your corporation in 21 to 40 words that clearly states your competitive advantage, strategy and tactics
Company description
What industry are you in?
In what state are your registering or do you intend to register?
What is the geographic reach of the organization
Describe your target customer along as many dimensions as you have defined (demographics, geographic, needs, trends)
Define/describe your competition, both direct and indirect
Describe any international competitors who may be able to access your customers. How do you intend to compete against them?
What products/services do you intend to market?
Explain how your product will meet a customer need
Describe the features and benefits of the product/service your business will focus on selling
What, if any, copyrights, trademarks, patents or other intellectual property do you own or expect to own?
Describe your record keeping system, including the software you will use and whether it is specific to your industry
List the types of bank accounts you will need to open for your business
Estimate how much capital you will need and how you will go about obtaining the funds.
Please see the Rubric for grading here. 
Business Plan for a small bakery with unique pastries and cakes. 

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