Below are 8 Video Examples for your review – choose 2 to compare and contrast. F

April 27, 2024

Below are 8 Video Examples for your review – choose 2 to compare and contrast.
For this compare/contrast paper use the textbook for help and important information regarding dance style, choreographer, or performer. Consider how that dance or dancer influenced dance within a historical perspective, as well as sharing your new found knowledge of how to critically look at movement -I provide some hints, but it is up to you to research what is important or significant about the video clip – for example Video #1 is Pearl Primus the title of the dance is Strange Fruit – – What style of dance is this and why did she choose to confront this topic?
You can use outside resources other than Understanding Dance textbook (THOUGH TEXTBOOK INFORMATION IS PREFERRED AND OFTEN WILL PROVIDE BETTER HISTORICAL INFORMATION) you need to use proper citations!!! NO WIKIPEDIA!!! There are other internet sites that would be far more interesting than wikipedia – – or dare I say go to the library!! This goes for textbook citations as well.
If I notice that 2 essays are exactly the same both students will receive “0”s for the essay – -PLEASE WRITE YOUR OWN ESSAYS – I understand the temptation of copying each others essays or using AI, BUT the consequences are worse! I am looking for how you all are taking your new found knowledge of dance into comparing and contrasting 2 different forms/style or even dancers – I enjoy reading everyone’s perspectives!
ESSAY WILL NEED TO BE BETWEEN 3-5 FULL-PAGES. double-spaced; grammar is important! Double check your essay before submitting it!
Pearl Primus (Choreographer) pp. 146-147
What is the title of this dance? How is it different than other dances you have seen this semester?
What styles of movement does Primus use? Can you recognize any styles?
What type of dance is this? Ch. 11 “Dance as Social Realism” its a specific dance style
what was she protesting? why did this dance have such an impact?
What group was she a part of in NYC? And how did being a part of this group set the foundations for why she chose dance as a way to express her ideas? 
Was there music in the original version? If not do you know who wrote the poem? 
Consider also reviewing Ch. 12,  section “African American Artists fuse Modern, Ballet, and Jazz” where you can review why Pearl Primus is important within dance history (this is the 2019 updated edition)

Yvonne Rainer (Performer & Choreographer) p. 128
Whats the title of this dance?
What group was she a part of and why was this group important within a historical dance perspective?
What style is this?
She wrote something that was quite radical at the time can you name what it was and how it affected dance?
Can you describe the movement she is doing? 
George Balanchine (Choreographer and Artistic Director New York City Ballet) p.102-103
Whats the title of the dance?Title of dance: Rubies, which is an excerpt from Jewels 
What renowned ballet company did he start?
What style is he known for? 
What other movement styles did he embrace and bring into his ballets?
What do you see of interest in this excerpt?

La Sylphide (Title of Dance) p. 96-97
Who choreographed the original ballet?
Who performed in the original ballet?
What style of ballet is this? This was the age of the_____________?
Consider the style and era and confront why this style impacted ballet history. There are certain elements of this style that affected what ballet was becoming. 
Did costumes change? And if so, what were the changes?
Why is this ballet so important within a historical context? What changes occurred that made audiences want to go see ballets?
What technical advances happened? How did the stage change?
The original was lost, but someone else’s version took over – whose was it?

Bob Fosse (Choreographer) p. 144-145
What style of dance is this? Jazz dance
From what movie is this excerpt from? 
His work was dubbed a specific thing – what was it? and Can you tell from the excerpt why it was called that?
He uses a specific aesthetic – no smile, “distant” looking – do you remember what aesthetic this is? Ch. 12 African American Dance – – check it out. 
How did he push the boundaries of this style of dance?
Who was he influenced by?
Do you know what his signature movements were? Look at the way he uses hands and gestures. 
What well known singer was influenced by his style and movement? 
This style has specific movement concepts that were influenced by African movement – what are they? 

Bill Bojangles Robinson (Tap Dancing Master) p. 139
What style is this?
This style is a combination of what 3 cultural forms? – think of that video clip included in modules about Master Juba growing up in the 5points NYC, how it was an area of poor Black and poor Irish and how those 2 cultures melded and helped Master Juba further his ideas of this new form of dance and how that influenced later artists such as Bill Robinson.
Like Jazz this aesthetic is also seen in this style – what is the aesthetic?
This dance is his signature dance: The Stair Dance
What tap steps did he develop and was known for and greatly influenced other famous tap dancers?
What other things can you consider how this artist influenced dance and this specific style?
Consider ch. 12, p. 139 in updated 2019 edition – which is still in files on Canvas – there you can also obtain further information on Bojangles innovative tap steps.
Movement: look at his whole body and how free in the flow he is 
Lindy Hop (1930/1940 Social Dance) pp. 161-163 
what makes this social dance interesting, aside from the acrobatic stunts? In observing the video clip share your ideas of this dance
This came out of what era?
What movement form or style influenced this social dance?
This dance was first seen at a specific ballroom in Harlem – what was the name of the ballroom and why is this ballroom important? 
Movement: Free Flow, Sudden Time, Strong Weight, Direct Space

Alvin Ailey (Modern Dance Choreographer) p. 148-149
What is title of this Dance work?
This signature work of Ailey’s was first performed in 1960 and is still very much part of Ailey Repertory
Why do you think this dance is so important and well known world-wide? 
What style is this dance? 
He fused together a variety of styles can you name them?
His use of group work was especially recognized – what makes his use of groups interesting? Think of the beginning of the dance – how he arranged the dancers is striking and strong – -share your ideas about this dance per your observations.
Movement: Bound and Free Flow are used (look carefully at video); Direct Space, as well as Shape Flow

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