Before you begin, read the Evaluate Antacids Lab Manual to prepare for the activ

May 22, 2024

Before you begin, read the Evaluate Antacids Lab Manual to prepare for the activity.
Gather everything you need for the activity listed in the Materials section before you start.
Check the time estimates in the Time Requirements section. Set aside the time you need to ensure you have enough time to perform the activity.
Perform the activity, following the instructions carefully.
Complete the Evaluate Antacids Lab Report.
Upload the Lab Report when finished.
Submit your assignment here. For details, see the assignment guidelines and rubric. 
Type in all required data and answer responses by replacing the bracketed text with your own content. Images of experimental setups are to be copied and pasted into the
file for submission. Include calculation work with complete units. Save the
file as a DOC file or DOCX file for submission.
All images must
include your handwritten name and date. Lab reports submitted without
experimental images will not be accepted.
Name: Marcus

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