Before you begin, read the Determination of Ideal Gas Law Constant Lab Manual to

June 12, 2024

Before you begin, read the Determination of Ideal Gas Law Constant Lab Manual to prepare for the activity.
Gather everything you need for the activity listed in the Materials section before you start.
Check the time estimates in the Time Requirements section. Set aside the time you need to ensure you have enough time to perform the activity.
Perform the activity, following the instructions carefully.
Complete the Determination of Ideal Gas Law Constant Lab Report.
Upload the Lab Report when finished.
For each of the assigned labs, follow the directions accurately and safely. Throughout the lab, collect and record data accurately. Analysis of the data should include the proper calculations. This must include the correct use of units, scientific notation, precision, and analysis of error. You must base your interpretation of the results on the theories presented in the lab and collected data.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Conduct Experiments: Conduct and document experiments using logical steps. Select and operate appropriate equipment and instruments to perform the experiment and follow laboratory safety procedures. Documentation of methods and preparation includes correctly labeled photographs of the experiment.
Record, Analyze, and Interpret Data: Accurately record and analyze results from experiments in an organized and appropriate manner and include all equations used, calculations, and appropriate units.
Communicate Scientific Principles: Accurately represent results in an organized and appropriate manner and include all data tables, images, models and graphs with proper titles, labels, and units.
Post-Lab Questions: Clearly and accurately address post-lab questions and provide support with direct evidence from results.
What to Submit
Submit the completed Lab Report template linked in the module. Ensure the lab report is typed and contains all photos, data, analysis, and responses to the associated lab questions. Show your work for all calculations. All Lab Reports must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

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