Be sure to advise that you have completed the Excel Budget and what you learned

May 6, 2024

Be sure to advise that you have completed the Excel Budget and what you learned from the Experience.  The Excel budget exercise is a key part of this assignment, and your instructor will be looking for evidence that it has been completed and the spending/savings analyzed in some detail. Then address the following bullet points in your essay:
Does my (our) income exceed your expenses?
If so, how much are you saving each month, and is it enough? How do you know it is enough?
If not, what are your goals for addressing the deficit (i.e., job change, cut back on expenses, etc.)
How is my (our) short-term savings—if I (we) had an emergency, would we have enough in savings to handle the situation?
Why is a savings account important? Research how much you should keep in short-term savings. What are your goals for long-term savings?
What advice do you have for the class regarding how to accumulate savings?
What else did you learn from this budgeting exercise that could help you and/or your family finances going forward?
Write a 2-4 page paper (excluding title & Reference pages) that addresses these questions after completing your budget worksheet. The worksheet is an important element of this Assignment; use it to guide your answers to these four question areas.

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