Basic Assignment: Write an essay in which you describe who you understand Jesus

May 16, 2024

Basic Assignment: Write an essay in which you describe who you understand Jesus to be and how your ideas about Jesus may relate to your social location.
Parameters and Additional Details
This paper should be 800 words
APA format (as to layout, style, form. Citations- this is a personal reflection paper, citations are only necessary if you quote someone or something other than yourself.
The paper should have three parts:
A discussion about who you view Jesus to be. You may use titles, descriptions, or other approaches. Consider what sources shape this view and explain how those sources influence your thinking. This is a personal statement. No research is needed. You are NOT being asked about your faith in Jesus and you will NOT be graded on your faith stance. You should, however, aim to be as thorough and descriptive as possible in explaining your ideas. If, for instance, you believe things like Jesus is the Son of God or the savior, explain what those concepts mean to you.
A brief description of your “social location,” which can include your (1) ethnicity or race, (2) economic class, (3) gender, (4) sexuality, (5) religious tradition, (6) nationality and citizenship, etc. While your responses will be strictly confidential, students may withhold sensitive information (e.g., sexuality or citizenship).
A discussion of how your social location affects your views of Jesus. You will be asked to reflect on this paper later in the semester to self-measure your growing understanding of Jesus and of yourself.

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