Attached is the 3 scenerios that need to be broken down in IRAC (Issue, rule, an

May 6, 2024

Attached is the 3 scenerios that need to be broken down in IRAC (Issue, rule, analysis, and conclusion) format. Each scenerio needs it’s own reference. 
1.  Using IRAC and the appropriate headings. ISSUE  RULE ANALYSIS CONCLUSION
2. State the issue as a question and include enough information in the question for someone who picks up your IRAC work product to understand enough about the factual situation understand the context of the legal question posed.
3.  State the “cold straightforward applicable law” in the Rule section
4. In your analysis apply the facts in the scenario to the rules you find are needed to answer the question in the issue. Show how you answer the question using these rules and the facts as you know them to be.
5. In the Conclusion concisely state the answer to the question posed in the issue that comes from your analysis.

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