At what stage in development do you believe a human’s fertilized egg is a baby: at the moment of conception, implantation, when there is heartbeat, the Age of Viability or when the organism is born?

May 20, 2022

At what stage in development do you believe a human’s fertilized egg is a baby: at the moment of conception, implantation, when there is heartbeat, the Age of Viability or when the organism is born?
If you had to choose between Proximal Parenting Styles or Distal Parenting Styles, which would you choose and why?
What are your thoughts and beliefs regarding Gender Fluid Parenting? (Gender fluid parenting means you are raising a child in a way that doesn’t show biases towards one gender. It is almost like the gender can be fluid and change depending on what the child is interested in. The gender fluid parent is raising a child to not identify exclusively with a binary gender. A child of a gender fluid upbringing can show masculine or feminine traits, regardless of gender at birth. For example, it is common for expecting parents of a boy to deck out their future child’s nursery with blue, pictures of car and trucks, named John or Matthew, etc.. Most people associate these things with masculinity, or the characteristics of a male. When parenting in a gender fluid way, you reject these gender specific norms, and let your child decide what activities or interests they follow. In a perfect world, your child can choose in a completely non biased way)

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