Assignment: Provide a 5-page analysis of the experiences of a minority individua

April 21, 2024

Provide a 5-page analysis of the experiences of a minority individual or group, past or present, 
who has had a significant impact on U.S. government at the national or state level or who has been 
affected by government (select from the attached book list or see me for approval of additional 
titles; examples include Malcolm X, Cesar Chavez, Ishi). See your class schedule for the exact dues 
date for the prospectus (description of your plans for the paper, approximately one page in 
length), as well as the exact due date for the papers themselves.  Late papers will receive a 
significantly reduced grade. This is not a book report! You are enrolled in a political science 
course; this paper is designed to stimulate cognitive thinking about our government’s relationship 
with minorities, both in the present and the past. The thesis of your paper should focus on either 
how government affected this minority, or how this minority affected government. Please see me with 
Please be sure your paper has a title page.  All papers should be typed, use 12-point font, double-spaced, with 
one-inch margins and either foot or end notes (work cited).  I cannot stress the importance of citing your 
sources!  Please use direct quotations effectively, do not fill an entire page with a direct quote 
from the book.  Be sure to avoid the use of personal pronouns (I, we, us, they, me, you) and slang.
Your paper should include a clearly stated thesis, a brief summary of the book (no more than two 
paragraphs!), and a minimum of three specific examples from the book(s) that support your thesis.  
Direct quotes alone do not support a thesis.  You will need to expand and explain how this “event” 
or “action” supports your thesis.   Remember, this is not a book report, DO NOT merely describe the 
event.  I am looking for your analysis of how this event supports your thesis. Your summary may 
include personal comments on the book, and thoughts on what you learned from the assignment.  You 
will also need to submit and get approval for the original approved prospectus via Canvas.
□     Title Page: Name, Date, Course, Semester, Title of Paper
□     Introduction with Clear Thesis Statement
□     Specific Examples with analysis to support thesis
□     Citing of Sources
Prospectus is attached below: 
For my Analytical Term Page, I will focus on the government’s impact on Japanese Americans during and after the attack of Japan on Pearl Harbor, especially focusing on their life in Internment Camp. My report will be based mainly off of the book Farewell to Manzanar by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston & James D. Houston, as accepted by professor Vitaich. For my three specific examples I will look specifically into the story of the family which experienced unfairness to their family by the government, also explaining how it affected them morally and their life after the camps. My thesis will be discussing the association that Japanese Americans had to waste half of their lives on camp, just because the US government thought that all Japanese living in the USA were spies. I will seek research through academic articles supporting my thesis statement while also using the book for support. I will also discuss the aftermath on Japanese Americans communities after the attack on Pearl Harbor once released from the camps, and their trust for the government. I will include the perspective on Japanese Americans from Americans during that time. I plan on finding all of my resources through online research and plan to make sure that all of my sources are valid. 
Follow the instructions and the plan on the prospectus. Do not use very much of advanced language. 

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