Assignment Rationale: The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with

April 26, 2024

Assignment Rationale: The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an
opportunity to contemplate their own ethical beliefs and foundations and analyze how those
beliefs will guide their decision making as sport administration professionals.
Assignment Details: As a sport administrator you will face ethical dilemmas in myriad of
professional capacities. From hiring/firing, due diligence, finance, recruiting, equity issues, and
athlete well-being (to name a few), it will be your responsibility to consider such dilemmas and
render sound ethical decisions. The ability to make considerate ethical decisions requires a
fundamental understanding of philosophical ethical foundations.
This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to research ethical foundations, discuss
their application to sport administration, select a specific ethical foundation you most identify
with, and consider how you will apply that ethical foundation to your decision making as a sport
administration professional.
Specifically, you will select one normative ethical philosophy (utilitarianism, deontology, or
virtue ethics) as the philosophy that best represents your ethical beliefs. You will then research
this philosophy and provide a brief summary of its history and principles (minimum of four
academic references are required). You will then discuss how this ethical foundation is applied
in sport administration. You will also reflect and detail why this ethical philosophy represents
your ethical beliefs the best. Lastly, you will explain how this ethical philosophy will guide your
decision making as a sport administration professional.
This paper should be 4-7 pages double-spaced in APA format. You must also include a
reference page in APA format. 

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