Assignment Content This reflection is comprised of two sections, collectively to

April 27, 2024

Assignment Content
This reflection is comprised of two sections, collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. This activity is meant to help you solidify your knowledge in preparation for the assessment.
Reflect on the following in a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflection by responding to all prompts.
Watch the following segments of The Future of Health Care: Meeting of the Minds from the University Library:
Shifting the Cost Burden  
Obama’s Health Plan (The Affordable Care Act)
Paying for Reform
Consider the following as you watch:  
What is the impact of empowering consumers to be active in the decision making of their healthcare?  
How might future healthcare reform impact healthcare providers, businesses, and reimbursement models?  
What limitations and benefits to quality and patient care do you see from healthcare and payment reform?
Using Word, create your response in a minimum of 500 words and upload when complete. 
Include an APA-formatted reference list.
Submit your assessment.

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