Assignment Content: Based on the readings from this unit and your previous three

July 2, 2024

Assignment Content:
Based on the readings from this unit and your previous three units, develop a five-six-page
essay in which you address the following for ABC Construction Company:
ABC Construction Company Background:
ABC Construction Company is a large construction firm with 250 employees. Its
activities include architecture/design, site preparation/excavation, and all
construction phases.
The role of safety management system (SMS)
audits in implementing an SMS and the types of MS audits that will be conducted
in ABC as it moves toward implementing the ISO 45001.
The role of regulatory audits in implementing
and maintaining the SMS.
The role of safety inspections in the SMS.
McKinnon, R. C. (2019). The Design, Implementation, and Audit of Occupational
Health and Safety Management Systems. Taylor & Francis.
Please cite at least five credible
sources from your readings. You may include your eTextbook as a cited source.
Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

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