Assignment #3: Policy paper  Due June 3 11.59pm Length: 6,000 words, +/- 10% (do

May 23, 2024

Assignment #3: Policy paper 
Due June 3 11.59pm
Length: 6,000 words, +/- 10% (does not include abstract and bibliography, but does include tables, appendices and footnotes).
This assignment requires you to write an academic research paper where you will apply two different theories to one case.
For this assignment, we want you to use theory to develop an explanation/understanding of a case and then evaluate this from the perspective of its usefulness: what does each application illuminate? What does each application obscure? Its overall aim is to demonstrate strong knowledge, understanding and critical engagement across the core course readings and themes of this subject through application and analysis of a case study.
Your paper will address a variation on the question: ‘to what extent can [the chosen theoretical frameworks] be used to understand [your chosen policy case]?’.
It might be: ‘to what extent can Punctuated Equilibrium Theory and the Multiple Streams Framework be used to understand Closing the Gap policies in Australia?’
In preparing and writing this essay, you are expected to demonstrate evidence of wide reading and critical engagement with the topic you choose to explore as well as the wider theoretical literature. Your goal is to ensure that the selected policy theories allow you to at least analyse at least some aspect of your case, and that in turn, the case allow you to critique one or more aspect of the policy theories. Put differently, you should show those aspects of the case that are explained or illuminated by your chosen policy model(s) and identify any blind spots or aspects that it may obscure.
For this assessment, you have the option to analyse the same policy case that you presented in Assignment #1, using a policy theory of your choice with the option again to choose one of the approaches that were covered in Assignment #2 (as well as a second model/framework).
The analysis presented should consider the historical trajectory of the policy issue. In doing so, the analysis should draw on both empirical sources related to your chosen case and relevant theoretical material. This should include both materials from the course reading list, and further reading of relevant material within research and policy literatures as appropriate.
This assessment aims to evaluate your ability to integrate theoretical and empirical materials to consider the merits of the ideas you have been presented with in the course. Hence, the main thrust of your essays must be both theoretical and empirical in character, with a key component being the critical synthesis and link between theory and practice.
Assignments will be assessed against the following criteria:
Ability to articulate the nature and significance of your chosen policy problem (10%)
Independent empirical research into your chosen case (20%)
Ability to apply and integrate theories and concepts from the policy literature (30%)
Ability to develop an argument (i.e. explanation) that integrates the theoretical and empirical materials (30%)
Logical structure, well written and use of concise language (10%).

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