Assignment 2: Research Project  ***See attached paper over the BLM movement. ***

June 23, 2024

Assignment 2: Research Project 
***See attached paper over the BLM movement. *** 
Notice the structure of the essay and its layout. You will follow this format for your assignment. An important component of sociology (some argue the most important) is using that which we learn for social change. An example of this would be the BLM movement, the Civil Rights Campaign, the Black Panthers, the Feminist Movement, both the First and Second Waves, the Poor People’s Campaign (PPC), and ANTIFA. Some groups go about promoting social change in various ways. During the Civil Rights Movement, MLK stressed the importance of peaceful protest. While advocating for economic equality The PPC went a step further and activists across the nation took part in acts of civil disobedience (think of the lunch counter sit-ins). The Black Panthers, led by Malcolm X, took a more direct approach and pledged to fight for the freedoms they deserved. Today, Antifa is similar to the Panthers in that they are willing to fight for equality. Different groups with different methods are advocating for the same cause. Equality. The BLM movement advocates for peaceful protest; however, ANTIFA members are often spotted at BLM events to provide protection. Women involved with the first wave feminist movement had experiences that those of the second wave feminist movement did not. Much of this is attributed to the violence committed against women. If we observe these groups in their entirety, we can get a clearer picture of activism and the process of social change. 
Choose a group that is advocating for change (you can use any of those listed above), or if you choose to use another organization, please run it by me first. Write a paper similar to the one attached, using its structure to format your own. In this paper, you will give a brief history of the organization, including when it was formed, why it was formed, who founded it, and its contribution to social change. Has it changed anything in relation to what it set out to accomplish? What tactics have members employed to push for change? This will be an argumentative paper, so propose your stance and then tell me why you are right. Compare your chosen group to a similar one and tell me how they differentiate in their methods (i.e., Black Panthers willingness to fight for freedom versus MLK’s peaceful protest). Explain why you think your group methods are a better option to bring about the desired changes. Conclude the paper with suggestions for further research after restating your argument. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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