As an exercise in reading Joseph Mankiewicz’s All About Eve through the lenses o

May 14, 2024

As an exercise in reading Joseph Mankiewicz’s All
About Eve through the lenses of feminist, gender, and queer studies lenses:
Discuss the characters
of Eve Harrington and Addison DeWitt in the film All About Eve as
“queer” — both in the sense of being outside of the mainstream of
others in their 
category of identity (as female, as male, as actress, as
critic, as member of society), and in the sense of there being hints that they
are sexually attracted to and
identified with the same sex.
In your analysis, can All
About Eve be read as a “queer film”? For a definition of 
film,” see Harry M. Benshoff and Sean Griffin, “Introduction: What is
Film?,” in Queer Images: A History of Gay and Lesbian Film in
(Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2006): 9-12. (Bb)
How can All About Eve
be read using the lenses of feminist and gender studies? 

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