Are mind and body two separate things (dualism)?

January 31, 2023

Please label part one and two and both of their separate parts
Post 1: Are mind and body two separate things (dualism)? Or two parts of one thing (monism)? If the body dies, does the mind die also? Is the soul something separate from body and mind? Why do scientists study the mind and the body, but not the soul? Please write your opinion on some of these questions. Write 5-15 sentences.

Post 2: Read some of the posts from your classmates. Choose one that interests you and post a response to it. Tell why you agree with or enjoyed thinking about their response. Write 3-12 sentences total. BElow

“I believe the mind and body are two separate things. The mind does not necessarily need the body to function. A common example of this would be in relation to a coma. Even though the body is currently not working, the mind is still showing activity. That being said, I do believe that they work hand-in-hand. What I mean by this is there are plenty of examples and studies proving that mental health and physical health directly affect each other. I believe the soul is more so a part of the mind. The soul can be described as an individual’s thoughts and character which is moreso related to the brain. It is hard to prove the fact that souls even exist. They are not a tangible part of our being. Also, there could be influence from religion, spirituality, etc. involved with these studies. It is more likely for someone who is religious to believe in souls rather than someone who is not, therefore, this could lead to some form of bias.”

To receive maximum points, keep in mind that your responses must:

Address the topic or answer the question.
Be respectful to others.
Be in good English.
Be proper length.
Must be completed and submitted before the Due Date. Check your Due Dates document and be sure to complete it on time.

Part 2:
Post 1: Gall’s phrenology was popular for decades, but apparently has not held up to scientific scrutiny. Think of a practice or belief that is or has been popular, but that has not been shown to be irrefutably true with scientific methods. Tell briefly how it could be tested to see if it is true or false. Write 5-15 sentences.

Post 2: Read some of the posts from your classmates. Choose one that interests you and post a response to it. Tell why you agree with or enjoyed thinking about their response. Write 3-12 sentences total.

One practice that I found has many different opinions on its’ effectiveness is chiropractic medicine. This field of medicine, or pseudoscience, has been said to be effective by chiropractors everywhere and even by clients of chiropractors. Yet, many doctors and physicians around the world say that chiropractic has little to no effect on your health, if not a negative effect. There have been many instances where people come out of an appointment with a chiropractor feeling much better than before, but also many instances where clients may feel much worse. I think this would be interesting to test, as it is a relatively popular method of helping with joint/muscle pain, and could also be relatively easy to study. I think one way to study it could be to observe those who regularly partake in chiropractic medicine versus those who do not, and see how they differ health-wise. Another way to potentially test it would be to bring in people who do not generally go to a chiropractor, and get them to partake in chiropractic medicine for a few weeks, and see if they feel better or worse than when they started. I think this would be something beneficial to study, as I have constant back pain and while many people suggest going to a chiropractor, many also say that it would not work or would cause worse pain. I would like to see the benefits/risks behind the practice.”

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