Answer the following two Essay Questions:  Your answers should be written in ess

April 17, 2024

Answer the following two Essay Questions: 
Your answers should be written in essay form with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. [Note – these are the basic elements of any essay and are not intended to be used as section headings. Generally, an introduction will be 1 to 2 paragraphs, and the conclusion will be 1 to 2 paragraphs; while the body of an essay might include several subsections (with specific headings) and be 2 to 8 paragraphs, depending on the complexity and scope of the essay.] There is no minimum length for the essay, but you should clearly answer the question. Your answers should be in your own words. Use examples as applicable to support your position. Short quotes can be used as needed. Cite any references used, in APA format. TurnItIn will be used for plagiarism checking and scores of 25% or higher may negatively impact your grade. If you submitted a draft version of your essays to TurnItIn before submitting your final version, you must notify the instructor of this, since it will show an abnormally high plagiarism score.
#EQ1. In your own words, discuss the concepts of Intelligence-Driven Computer Network Defense and the cyber/intrusion Kill Chain. Discuss how these concepts can be applied within an organization. [75 points]
#EQ2. Discuss the ways you can incorporate threat reports issued by vendors into an organizational information security program. Do you think these types of reports provide value? Justify your answer. [25 points]
Assignment Formatting Requirements (for both essays):
APA Standard 1-inch margins all around
Standard font (e.g., Arial, Times Roman, Calibri, Tahoma, etc.)
12-pt font size
No cover page  and no Abstract – use a simple heading at the top of the first page with Course #/Title, Exam Name, Your Name, and Date (this heading can be left-justified, centered or right-justified)
Identify the question number for each response (e.g., “EQ1” and “EQ2”) – do not repeat the actual question text.
When using external sources, list the references immediately following the end of the essay question where used (do not put all references at the end of the document)
Start EQ2 at the top of a new page
Write your answers in a Word document and name the file as:  602_JACKSON_midterm-essay.docx

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