Answer the following discussion questions in one page essay.  According to Dr. D

May 2, 2024

Answer the following discussion questions in one page essay. 
According to Dr. Douglas, why is engaging in “vulgar relativism” dangerous when engaging with biblical text?
(: Mitzi J. Smith, I Found God in Me: A Womanist Biblical Hermeneutics Reader, Marginalized People, Liberating Perspectives-A Womanist Approach to Biblical Interpretation, chapter 5, pages 80-86)
Define some differences between Black feminists and womanists. What are some of the differences between womanists and white feminists? Which of the differences can become talking points for dialogue?
(: Mitchem, Introducing Womanist Theology, Ch. 5 (pgs. 86-100)
In what ways does womanist theology show that “people have power, not texts” (pg. 49)
(: Mitzi J. Smith, I Found God in Me: A Womanist Biblical Hermeneutics Reader, chapter 2, Re-reading for Liberation: African American Women & the Bible, by Renita Weems, pages 42-55)
Please read Only Justice Can Stop a Curse by Alice Walker and answer the following question:
Based on the readings in class, how do you think a womanist would answer Hurston’s curse-prayer and Walker’s interpretation of the curse-prayer?

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