Answer each question thoroughly and label each answer with its respective questi

April 20, 2024

Answer each question thoroughly and label each answer with its respective question. If more words are needed i will tip more.
Explain the law of precedent and the doctrine of stare decisis.
Explain what is known as a Writ of Certiorari and the Rule of Four.
Explain what is called centralized administration of the court system
Explain what is referred to as Assembly Line Justice
Explain what is known as Community Prosecution including the elements in common.
Explain the standard of ineffective assistance of counsel including the relevant case law.
Explain Victim Impact Statements and its Constitutionality including the relevant case law
Explain Initial Appearance and the relevant case law
Explain Discovery of Exculpatory Evidence and the relevant case law.
Explain the three different forms of plea bargaining.

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