Answer all the questions with sources within less than 5 years. (Chapter 1- 24)

July 7, 2024

Answer all the questions with sources within less than 5 years. (Chapter 1- 24) PLEASE HAVE CREATIVE Title. Attached files are draft version for behavioral agreement.
Attachments are just for reference use if needed.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2011). The essentials of master’s education in nursing. 
1) Answer/contribute with intriguing conversation to these post with 1 NEW Source (within less than 5 years). Min. 200words.
As you plan, develop, implement and evaluate your nursing practicum project, reflect on how this project and your graduate education have prepared you to meet the growing needs of healthcare and the diverse populations we serve.
This week you will address Essential VII: Interprofessional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population Health Outcomes.
Food for thought…
How do nursing administrators collaborate interprofessionally to improve patient and population health outcomes?
2)  Answer the question /contribute with intriguiing conversation to these post with 1 NEW Source (within less than 5 years). Min. 200words. Reflecting deeper, what do you feel are the most important ways that a nursing administrator can overcome barriers to interprofessional collaboration and population health outcomes? What do you foresee the greatest barrier being? Why?
As a graduate nurse from a master’s degree program, I can say that the competencies instilled in me will enable me to work within the complex and ever-changing healthcare systems. In my practicum, I developed behavioral agreements and wrote a policy and procedure document to be presented to the policy committee. This experience has been instrumental in meeting the growing needs of healthcare and the diverse populations we serve, mainly through the lens of Essential VII: Collaboration of Different Professions in the Effort to Achieve the Improved Health Status of Patients and Communities.
Regarding Essential VII, the thought is that increased communication among healthcare providers promotes the likelihood of accomplishing the goal. As part of interprofessional collaboration, planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of a behavioral agreement and policy and procedure document, I have actively engaged in the following: This entailed collaborating with the nurses, physicians, administrators, and patients of the healthcare setting, to assess whether the policies formulated were suitable and complied with the guidelines of the healthcare setting.
In the planning phase, I used the information I gathered throughout this research to make some assumptions. I questioned other healthcare workers regarding the current issues in the healthcare atmosphere to understand the prevailing circumstances. It was good as it made the policies realistic and measurable regarding the problems faced by the stakeholders, the health facilities, and the patients (Ashton et al., 2018). In the development phase, I had to choose an open process in which it was possible to check in with my colleagues often; this way, it was easy to incorporate their feedback, knowledge, and ideas.
In the case of the behavioral agreement and policy, it was necessary to engage the policy committee and other stakeholders to ensure they would follow the new procedures. This phase focused on developing a culture of teamwork and collaboration to achieve the set goals and objectives. All the barriers could be overcome since we had to pool our resources and coordinate our activities to ensure the best implementation of these policies.
The evaluation process of the new policies is to gather information and evaluate their success in enhancing the well-being of patients and the population. Here, it was evident that such a never-ending checking and rechecking of healthcare practices was only possible through interprofessional teamwork. By engaging in the assessment, we identified the areas of strength and weakness and made the relevant changes to improve the care offered.
My graduate education has equipped me for these collaborative efforts by enabling me to acquire the required knowledge and skills for interprofessional practice. The practicum project has helped me realize that nursing entails collaborating with others to accomplish shared objectives within healthcare facilities and Ministries to enhance the Health of the populations served. By accepting the seventh essential, I am assured of my capacity to help improve health care and address the emerging requirements of various patients.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2011). The essentials of master’s education in nursing.
Ashton, R. A., Morris, L., & Smith, I. (2018). A qualitative meta-synthesis of emergency department staff experiences of violence and aggression. International emergency nursing, 39(1), 13–19.
*** I had presented my course project to the administration. The followings are the email ….
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to propose the implementation of a comprehensive Aggressive/Hostile Behavioral Visitation Policy and Procedure Manual as part of my MSN Nursing capstone project. The primary objective of this policy is to enhance the quality of care and ensure a safe working environment for both patients and healthcare staff at Jackson Hospital.
After revising the visitation policy on the intranet, I noticed the absence of specified procedures for managing aggressive behavior. This prompted me to develop an expanded policy to address this critical issue comprehensively.
Additionally, during my review, I observed that the current visitation policy requires all visitors to show identification at registration/entrance and obtain a visitor pass. However, I have not seen consistent enforcement of this policy, nor have I observed visitors wearing the visitor pass badges or have been handed by the staff. This lapse in security measures poses a significant risk to the safety of patients, healthcare staff, newborns, and others within the facility.
In addition to implementing the policy, I would like to request permission to display a poster summarizing this policy in key areas of the hospital. This poster would be placed in the lobby, in each patient’s room, and in the hallways to inform patients, visitors, and families of the expectations and consequences regarding aggressive behavior. This proactive measure will help ensure that everyone entering our facility is aware of our zero-tolerance stance and the procedures in place to handle any incidents.
Implementing this policy and the accompanying poster will significantly improve the safety and quality of care provided at Jackson Hospital. It will also foster a more supportive and secure working environment for healthcare staff. I am confident that with your support, we can effectively address the challenges posed by aggressive behavior and enhance the overall healthcare experience for all stakeholders.
If there are any changes needed or key points you have questions about, please let me know. The attachments include the detailed policy paper and the poster. I would greatly appreciate your prompt response.
I look forward to discussing this proposal further and working together to implement this crucial policy. Thank you for considering this important initiative.
Email to my professor below:
I encountered some initial difficulties in this project, particularly concerning the legal aspects of “firing” a patient from the hospital due to behavioral issues, which is prohibited by law. After reviewing Jackson Hospital’s visitation policy, I found it lacked specifics on handling zero-tolerance behavior. This discovery led to the development of my proposal for a comprehensive Aggressive/Hostile Behavioral Visitation Policy and Procedure Manual as part of my MSN Nursing capstone project.
BELOW attachments are the ones i used as a tools (including surveys) to create my project on aggressive behavioral visitation poster and policy and procedure to present to policy committee.

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