Annotated Bibliography Instructions for the Annotated Bibliography: The annotate

May 7, 2024

Annotated Bibliography
Instructions for the Annotated Bibliography:
The annotated bibliography must be written using 7th edition APA format – and include a title page and bibliography page
Citations are to be in 7th edition APA-style,
Three resources are to be cited:
1 book
1 article
1 website
Each source must be a quality resource, (one that passes the CRAAP Test, a useful for an academic research paper on the assigned assignment).
Each annotation must be clear and concise.  Each must:
Be approximately 150 words,
State the main argument of the resource,
Provide important details about the resource,
Evaluate the resources using the CRAAP test criteria,
Assess the resource in at least 2 areas:
Disciplinary perspective
Types of evidence
Be free of grammatical/spelling errors.

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