All post must be atleast 300 hundred words Discussion 1 Review the Week 6 Final

June 12, 2024

All post must be atleast 300 hundred words
Discussion 1
Review the Week 6 Final Paper prompt.
For the discussion (with APA sourcing
from the text or outside, credible sources),
logic models and explain their significance in program evaluation.
an evaluation of the factors that make developing accurate and useful logic
models so difficult.
how both organizational and program conditions can be inhibitors to creating
proper logic models.
Discussion 2
to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the
required resources for this week. In your initial post, explain the four basic threats to
validity examined in the textbook (Chapter 3): statistical conclusions
validity, internal validity, construct validity, and external
ways to limit these validity concerns and provide an opinion of which of the
four validity challenges will be the most critical to avoid in your final
summative paper evaluation of a criminal justice program.
an appropriate program for evaluation for the final summative paper and address
the most critical challenge in evaluating that program.
Discussion 3
Prior to
beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the
required resources for this week.
Evaluation research is a unique,
applicable form of scientific inquiry. While the conceptualizations of ordinary
research methods form the foundation on which evaluation research rests, there
are some nuances found in evaluation that are unique. In any research proposal,
there must be an identification of both qualitative and quantitative measures (mixed
methods) and results that will be anticipated for the research itself and
conclusions garnered from the information.
In your own words,
the discussion by explaining the strengths, differences, and limitations of
both qualitative and quantitative proposal and evaluation approaches.
an argument for which types of data and conclusions based on that information
among the mixed methods approach best serves a research proposal for examining
a criminal justice program.
your opinions with research from the text and through independent research.
Discussion 4
Prior to beginning work on the discussion
forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week.
In your initial post, identify and
discuss the three ethical systems highlighted in the text, McDavid et al.
(2019), in Chapter 12: deontological ethics, duty ethics, and consequentialism.
For your initial posting,
a reasoned argument for which of the three ethical approaches is best to use in
criminal justice as a whole and for your program evaluation proposal.
at least one APA scholarly source not provided in the classroom materials to
support your position.
You may choose to present a different
ethical approach than the three theories listed above and in the text as the
best “fit” for criminal justice as a whole and for your program evaluation
proposal from the required readings or from a scholarly source beyond the
classroom materials.
Discussion 5
Prior to
beginning work on the discussion forum, be certain to have read all the
required resources for this week.
In your initial post, identify and
discuss the three ethical systems highlighted in the text, McDavid et al.
(2019), in Chapter 12: deontological ethics, duty ethics, and consequentialism.
For your initial posting,
a reasoned argument for which of the three ethical approaches is best to use in
criminal justice as a whole and for your program evaluation proposal.
at least one APA scholarly source not provided in the classroom materials to
support your position.
You may choose to present a different
ethical approach than the three theories listed above and in the text as the
best “fit” for criminal justice as a whole and for your program evaluation
proposal from the required readings or from a scholarly source beyond the
classroom materials.
Discussion 6
Prior to beginning work on the discussion
forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week.
All evaluations are conducted, and
ultimately exist, in a social environment and can be affected by various
social, cultural, political, and economic forces. Based on what you have
learned through working on your final summative paper, put your selected topic
in its appropriate social context.
and explain the impact of political issues associated with the proposal.
discussion should focus both on political factors such as socioeconomics, race,
or gender, as well as political nuances that might include issues pertaining to
the program being utilized for the proposal.
how your proposal will yield actionable results to improve your chosen program.
and discuss the most surprising thing you found in your research that caused
you to reevaluate a previously held opinion.

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