After you have read Book 1 in Crazy Love, answer the following questions (please

June 25, 2024

After you have read Book 1 in Crazy Love, answer the following questions (please remember to explain your answers in detail):
Leslie Morgan Steiner opens her book by explaining that as a well-educated, successful woman from a good family, she doesn’t “look the part” of a domestic abuse victim. Before reading Crazy Love, did you have any preconceptions of what a victim of family violence would look and act like?
Did Leslie’s relationship with Connor seem like a typical relationship at first? (For example, did you notice any red flags?)
What was your reaction to their first sexual experience which included violence? (For example, is there a difference between their situation and, as she stated, “kinky sex”?)
How did you feel at the end of the first section? (For example, Was it a good move to leave the farmhouse? Was she being an adult for standing up to her mother and leaving? Or should Leslie and Connor have just stayed and dealt with the drama that often comes with any family?)
minimum 350 words i will give you acess to the book

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