After watching Zootopia by Disney, write a review explaining the power of fables

May 10, 2024

After watching Zootopia by Disney, write a review explaining the power of fables and/or allegories. You will need to identiy the writer’s message(s) then compare/contrast the movie to Orwell’s message in Animal Farm. Consider how the writers convey the issues to the audience. I expect to hear your honest opinion and voice through the writing. 
Rubric for Grading:
Focus and Analysis 
– Thoroughly addresses the prompt. Determines the author’s purpose in each text and analyzes how the authors’ choices help advance the purpose.
Descriptive Language and Evidence
Catchy Title
Use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and references to the text to support your claim/opinion
Conventions and Language and Organization
Contains minimal to no errors in conventions (grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization)
You, I, and we may be used.
Organized into multiple paragraphs (at least 350 words)

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