After watching write a 1 page critique of the whole work. Refer to the Critique

May 22, 2024

After watching write a 1 page critique of the whole work. Refer to the Critique Outline and the Critique Rubric for instructions and clarification.
I will attach the critique outline and critique rubric in chat
“Episodes” choreographed by Ulysses S. Dove
Performed by Alvin Ailey Dance Theatre
“I did this piece after a very dear friend of mine died from AIDS, and my feeling when he died was that I really wished that I had had more minutes with him – to say things like, ‘I really appreciated the time we spent together, I really appreciated what his friendship meant.” But I didn’t have five minutes. And as I was thinking about it, I thought what would be a positive way into a work… I thought what would life be like if everybody lived every single moment, so that at the end of life we didn’t need five minutes with anybody, that life was so fully lived that each episode of life was complete and that the only thing we could hope for was that we would have more episodes.” –Ulysses Dove.
that’s the link for what needs to be watched

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