After watching Fight Club movie, it’s time to focus on the writing portion of t

May 21, 2024

After watching Fight Club movie, it’s time to focus on the writing portion of this assignment.  The goal of your paper is to analyze the main character and his or her abnormal psychology. 

Please utilize the following headers within your paper:

  1. Introduction: Introduce the character you are writing on and summarize the plot

  2. Symptoms & Diagnosis:  What specific symptoms did the character experience in the movie?  What diagnosis would you give them?
  3. Nature or Nurture: Was the character’s mental illness a result of biological or environmental influences?  Explain.
  4. Treatment: What type of treatment would you recommend for the character based on the available research?  Be specific.
  5. Prognosis: Good or bad?  Why?
  6. Stigma: Does the movie contribute to or reduce stigma related to mental health and the mental illness depicted? Why? 
  7. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and reflect.  Did you enjoy the movie you selected?  Did the movie teach you anything you didn’t know already about mental illness?  

You should reference at least three sources in this paper.  The textbook may be one of your sources

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