After reading Chapter 5, 6, and 36 please answer the following three questions 

July 9, 2024

After reading Chapter 5, 6, and 36 please answer the following three questions 
Create a heading for each question to organize your answers (please cut and paste each question into your document).  Each answer should be at least 1/2 page long, creating a final submission of at least 1.5 pages.  Take time to reflect on each question and use your own words.  The document should follow APA guidelines.  When referring to the textbook, citations are not required.  
All assignments should have a cover page including:  
Title of assignment
Your Name
Department, University
Course Name
Professor’s Name
1. Explain the importance of evidence-based practice.
2. What is the difference between primary and secondary sources?  Which is preferable to use in a literature review and why?
3. What is a systematic review, and what is its purpose?

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