After describing (very generally) what an administrative agency is, explain the 

June 21, 2024

After describing (very generally) what an administrative agency is, explain the exhaustion of administrative remedies doctrine.  To develop this discussion, analyze the US Supreme Court case Perez v Sturgis Public Schools.  What is the legal dispute in this case?  How did the exhaustion doctrine figure in the Supreme Court’s holding?
Finally: We do not have a constitutional right to appointed counsel for administrative agency decisions no matter how serious the benefits loss involved or the injuries concerned. The Supreme Court has held that the costs are not high enough to establish a right to counsel. What do you think?  What are the costs of not having a right to counsel in administrative cases?  What would be the costs of establishing a right to counsel in administrative cases?  What would make better legal policy–a right to appointed counsel in administrative cases or no right to appointed counsel?  Explain.

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