Administration and Management, 6th Edition; Stan Stojkovic, David Kalinich, John

May 2, 2024

Administration and Management, 6th Edition;
Stan Stojkovic, David Kalinich, John Klofas:
ISBN-13: 9781285459011 Cengage
Doubled-Spaced: Please provide enough information to answer the question below thoroughly. Must be at least four full pages of body text, in total, using Times New Roman 12-pt font. The page limit does not include your name, course number, date, etc.
Topic: Organizational Effectiveness
Using only the course materials, please address the following prompt.
Police agencies are complex organizations. Describe the goals of a police department. Also, describe the goals of community policing. Consider the effectiveness of community policing using a variety of theoretical perspectives. Would you reach a similar conclusion using a goal, strategic constituency, and system resource model of effectiveness? Under what circumstances might the theories lead to different conclusions about the effectiveness of community policing?

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