Additional points may be earned by summarizing articles relevant to the history

May 6, 2024

Additional points may be earned by summarizing articles relevant to the history of psychology.  Each article summary is worth 5 points, and up to 25 (5% of total) extra points may be earned.  Each article summary should be at least 500 words, and should include the APA 7th edition reference for that article.  The Please note that the Academic Integrity policy applies to these summaries, and the article must be paraphrased and/or quoted quickly.  Additionally, the use of artificial intelligence natural language applications to write your summary is prohibited.  You may use such applications to find materials, but you must paraphrase and fact check the information provided. 
Here are some example articles you can use for the extra credit, and help to understand what is meant by a relevant article to the history of psychology.
I have attached 3 articles you can use. One article per 500 page paper

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