According to an article from the Southern Poverty Law Center from October 2022,

April 20, 2024

According to an article from the
Southern Poverty Law Center from October 2022, 75% of all Americans
“agree that Confederate monuments should not remain as they are but
should either be contextualized in place with historical information,
moved to a museum or destroyed.” Alternatively, 25% of all Americans
want these monuments to stay in place. Source:
The goal of this assignment is to identify the arguments for the removal of Confederate commemorative public artworks and to identify the arguments associated for the preservation of
Confederate commemorative public artworks. In this way, you will be
able to better understand the reasoning of each group of Americans
regarding these monuments.
Familiarize yourself with the issues surrounding these
controversial public artworks. Make sure you are familiar with the
context and meaning of one (1) Confederate commemorative public artwork.
Upload a reproduction or link to this example.
In one (1) paragraph argue for the removal of
this one (1) Confederate commemorative public artwork. Clearly identify
the monument and provide three (3) reasons for removing the artwork.
Make sure your arguments are sound and are supported with evidence. Once
removed, state what should be done with the disputed monument.
In one (1) paragraph argue for the preservation of
this one (1) Confederate commemorative public artwork. Clearly identify
the monument and provide three (3) reasons for preserving the artwork.
Make sure your arguments are sound and are supported with evidence. If
you recommend any alterations to its present display, state how you
would change it to enhance its preservation.
Finally, what do you
think? How should we deal with artworks that honor those who fought for
the enslavement of fellow human beings? Is there a risk to erasing
history even if it is as abhorrent as this? In one (1) paragraph give
your opinion, no need for evidence here, just your thoughts.

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