a. IntroducBon: Students should start their essays with their understanding of

April 29, 2024

a. IntroducBon: Students should start their essays with their understanding of
mortality based on the TED talk and the chosen ar6cle.
b. Body Paragraphs: (1) Reflect on what you would change or want to accomplish if you
had only 1 year to live, detailing the priori6es and ac6ons they would focus on. (2)
Then contrast that with your explora6on of how your priori6es and ac6ons would
shic if the 6meframe were reduced to 6 months. (3) Then delve into the most
immediate and essen6al aspects of your lives and what you would concentrate on if
they only had 1 week lec to live.
c. Research: at some point, in some way, you must also engage with the research paper
you found. You just need to prop up a claim with it or use it to compare or contrast
with your experiences or expecta6ons (See points above)
d. Conclusion: Synthesize your reflec6ons, iden6fying any common themes or
surprising changes in your priori6es across the different 6meframes. Did you learn
anything about yourself? Did you surprise yourself in any way? Do you think that you
will behave any differently now that you have thought deeply about your end-of-life
I need you to use this sources- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9050349/
For 1 year to live you write about how I would try to start a type of organization to give back to the youth and set them up for a future . For 6 months you can talk about how I would like to travel the world and see diffrent cultures and environments .For 1 week to live talk about spending time with my family and re evaluating my life. 
Throughout the essay I want you to mention the value of time and relationships we create with one another. 
Also for the conclusion you can say that I value time a lot more now and the people i have relationships with . Also you can say how finically and the amount of money you have plays a part of how you look at death 

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