A 3 part assignment part one is read the assignment and watch the YouTube video

May 7, 2024

A 3 part assignment part one is read the assignment and watch the YouTube video )link provided below assignment directions), the make posting. Part 2 and 3 comment on the two peoples post that I listed. main post should be 250 words.
In the TED-Ed video “How Fiction Can Change Reality,” Jessica Wise discusses the way that experiencing literature changes our views, our culture, and our world. After you’ve watched Jessica Wise’s brief Ted-Ed video, reflect on this idea and write a response where you give an example of a specific piece of literature that changed your life in some way. Your example can be from any genre of literature (fiction, nonfiction, history, informational, poetry, drama) and from any point in your life. It might be something that was assigned for school or something you read for fun. It might be something you read when you were much younger, or it could be something you read as an adult. It might be a book that someone read to you or a book you read to someone else.
* Answer the following questions in response to the piece of literature that changed your life:
* What was the literature that captured your imagination? Please be specific and, if possible, provide the title and the author.
* Why did the piece of literature capture your imagination?
* If the literature compelled change in your life, what was it and why?
* Initial posts:
* Citation Requirements: minimum of 1 source
Link for you tube video:

Part 2 respond to two people s post
post 1.
The first piece of literature that comes to my mind that changed my life is a book named “how to hear God” by Pete Greig. I read this actually not too long ago and it is the best thing that I have ever read. I got this book as a gift from my Dad for Christmas and I am so grateful that he thought to give this book to me. This book is a Christian literature book that explains to Christ followers how God communicates to us. This piece captured my imagination because I have never really heard God’s voice and I have been a believer for so long. I wanted to know if there were any other ways God was trying to communicate with me and I just wasn’t listening. I wanted to know if I was the only person who has never really heard God’s “voice” or if other believers also felt the same. Reading through this literature, I found out that God communicates in five main ways. Conversational, exegetical, sacramental, prophetic, and inward. Learning that God does this literally changed the way I was looking at myself as a believer, and the world around me. While reading this book, I could catch myself being way more invested in my Bible and always finding verses that really spoke to my current situation at the time. I also found myself doubting God way less. I have so much faith that God will make a way for me now because of this book. 
Post 2.
Hello Class,
One book that really grabbed my attention and left a lasting impact on me is “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. I first read this book in high school as part of our class assignments, but its influence on me went beyond just schoolwork.
What stood out to me the most about “To Kill a Mockingbird” was how it showed the unfairness in society and the importance of doing what’s right, even when it’s hard. The main character, Atticus Finch, showed incredible bravery and honesty, which made me admire him a lot. The story, told through the eyes of Scout, deals with big issues like racism, prejudice, and understanding others, which felt like things we still deal with today.
Reading this book changed the way I saw the world. It made me realize that things aren’t always black and white, and it encouraged me to think more about how I treat others. It made me question my own beliefs and biases and inspired me to try and make a positive impact, no matter how small.
One thing in particular that stuck with me from the book was how Atticus showed kindness and empathy to everyone, regardless of who they were. It made me want to be more understanding and compassionate towards others, even if they’re different from me.
Overall, “To Kill a Mockingbird” wasn’t just a story I read for class; it was a book that sparked a passion in me for fairness and kindness that continues to influence me today.
Fine, L., & Foca, A. (2024, April 15). To Kill a Mockingbird | Summary, Characters, book, & facts. Encyclopedia Britannica.

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