How does The Metamorphosis complicate the traditional family paradigm?

March 19, 2022

How does The Metamorphosis complicate the traditional family paradigm? Pick one character in particular (besides Gregor) and explain his/her significance. How do any of the texts re-orient or reimagine family structure?
Kevin Sweeney argues that the Metamorphosis leaves “unresolved questions about the limits of responsibility towards those whose personhood is in doubt” (152). In other words, our de-humanization of others can become a way of limiting our responsibility toward them. Explain this argument in relation to one or two texts we have read in class.
Nina Pelikan Strauss argues that the Metamorphosis illustrates the breakdown of masculine identity that occurs in the desire for a feminine one. What do you think The Metamorphosis is actually about? (May combine with other questions).

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