What is the main conclusion (claim) of this advertisement?

November 7, 2022

This week you will find and evaluate an online advertisement.
Post 1: Answer the following questions in-depth and based on the critical thinking that you have learned thus far in our class (do not base your responses on your opinion). Your initial post should be at least 150 words.
What is the main conclusion (claim) of this advertisement?
What are the premises or pieces of evidence on which the claim is based?
Does this argument contain a premise indicator(s)? If so, what is it specifically?
Does this argument contain a conclusion indicator(s)? If so, what is it specifically?
Is the inference or critical thinking process here sound? Why or Why Not?
Respond to two of your classmates as to whether you think the argument they have presented is a sound argument. Give specific reasons as to Why or Why Not.
*And remember: To earn credit and to avoid plagiarism, cite all sources – even those found within the discussion forum prompt or on the course page – in MLA format – at the end of your post. Be as thorough as possible when writing your topic/posts, and remember, this is an academic assignment, so no “text-talk,” no conversational tone, and ABOVE ALL OTHER THINGS… don’t plagiarize!! Lastly, spell-check and proofread your work! Failure to follow these steps will negatively impact your grade. Contact your professor in a timely fashion if you have any questions or concerns. Late work is not accepted.
please use sources that I provide

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