How do the concepts explained by Tim Urban relate to saving for the future?

November 6, 2022

The article Time Value of Money illustrates a simple concept: When you earn interest on your money you will eventually have more money. You earn interest on money you put in a bank (usually not much for a savings account, but something) or invest (the more risk, the higher the interest). This is why putting aside even a tiny amount each week now will invariably result in more money saved than if you start later.
Earning interest feels good. Paying interest does not. Yet when you take a loan, you are (usually) agreeing to pay interest.
Once you are done reading the article, please watch the video Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator and  listen to the podcast The Not-So-Great-Resignation.
* How do the concepts explained by Tim Urban relate to saving for the future?
* How does the current trend described in the Not-So-Great-Resignation fit in?
Things are certainly complicated these days. Please share any relevant experiences!

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