Did you know the full Rosa Parks story before you read it here?

October 25, 2022

this is a reflection paper on the book: “Soul of a citizen”; https://smile.amazon.com/Soul-Citizen-Living-Conviction-Challenging/dp/0312595379/ Other Buying Options: https://www.slugbooks.com/9780312595371-soul-of-a-citizen-living-with-conviction.html you are required to answer the following questions; Read the Introduction and Chapters 1 & 2 (pages 1-63) Write a reflection (250+ words) responding to the following questions (be sure to include references from the book that illustrate your comprehension and reflection of/on the reading): Did you know the full Rosa Parks story before you read it here? If not, what parts are new to you? Does knowing the full story change your view of how citizens act to create social change? Does knowing the real story make it seem easier or harder to act on what you believe? Explain. What barriers does Loeb find to individuals’ involvement in efforts to make society better? What comes to mind when you hear the term “social activist”? “When we shrink from the world, our souls shrink, too,” writes Loeb. Do you agree with this quote? Explain. Are there times when you have stayed silent over a public issue? Do you think it’s always better to speak out? What did Martin Luther King mean by saying, about social involvement, “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step”? What would it take for you to “take the first step.” We “wait our entire lives to find the ideal moment” to get involved, Loeb writes. What do you think? Has the “perfect standard” discouraged you from getting involved in your community? If so, how? Did it surprise you that Gandhi was literally tongue-tied when he first started out and that Martin Luther King was initially reluctant to act? Have you ever considered yourself to be a social activist? Have you ever taken a stand on an issue or been involved in some sort of social action? Explain. If you answered no to these questions, what do you think stops you from becoming more involved?

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