How do the race and ethnicity definitions in Strachan and Piper compare and contrast?

October 10, 2022

How do the race and ethnicity definitions in Strachan and Piper compare and contrast? Identify which of the multimedia sources you reviewed this week. How do authors of the multimedia define race, racism and ethnicity? How do
their definitions relate to Strachan and Piper’s definitions? How does diversity and ethnicity relate to the doctrine of the image of God? How does the Gen passage express God’s desire for diversity? How does the reading for this week and the multimedia compare and contrast with your understanding of race and ethnicity?
BOOK Keller, T. (2015). Walking with God through suffering. Penguin. ISBN-13: 978-1594634406
Piper, J. (2011). Bloodlines: Race, Cross, and the Christian. Crossway. ISBN: 978-1433528521 ALSO available for free:
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