What is the title of the article?

September 20, 2022

Find a current event article relating to US foreign policy during the Biden administration and respond to the following questions in a short essay of 2-3 paragraphs:

What is the title of the article? Who is the author? What is the source (i.e. website)? (Please provide a link to the article).

Then, summarize the article (i.e. what is the topic of the article, what does the article discuss, is the author making any particular arguments or presenting a certain viewpoint? or is the article more descriiptive?)

Finally, can you connect this article to something we have been discussing in class? (i.e. paradigms, nature of international system, historical perspectives, historical analogies, systems of mainintaing order, etc)? Can you note any bias in the article (political bias, pushing a certain argument/ viewpoint, etc)?

Note: Please proofread and watch grammar and spelling. Please write in complete sentences.

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