Describe the content of reading.

September 20, 2022

Write a reflection on ONE of the assigned readings for Week 4. You can choose from 1) Huntington, 2) Anderson 3) O’Connor. Please do NOT use the chapter by Drogus and Orvis. Your reflection will be composed of three paragraphs. Each paragraph will have at least five sentences. Please use Font 12 and double space. Deadline: Sunday September 18, 2022 at 11:59 p.m.

Paragraph #1 Describe

Describe the content of reading.

Paragraph #2 Analyze

Analyze the readings. What are the strengths and weaknesses/limitations of the reading?

Paragraph #3 Evaluate

Evaluate what you have learned from this reading. What are you learning from the class? How can they help you in the future?

Paragraph #4 Optional

Anything else that you would like share with me.

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