How is the issue of globalization closely linked to international migration (according to this week’s reading)?

September 15, 2022

Please answer the questions below in the order they are currently provided and please number them. Also, PLEASE ONLY USE THE TEXTBOOK PROVIDED TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Cite when asked and if any questions arise please reach out. ONLY CHAPTER ONE IS NEEDED TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS!
1. How is the issue of globalization closely linked to international migration (according to this week’s reading)? Please explain and provide an example.
2. What major political challenges does migration pose today (according to the authors of our textbook)? Please explain.
3. Why is the issue of international migration such a politically divisive issue according to the authors? Please explain and add your own views.
4. What are some non-migratory forms of human mobility?
5. A quick data check ( look at the charts and tables in ch.1; there is no need to write a paragraph):
a. What is the share (percentage) of migrants globally out of the entire world population? In other words, what share of the world population in on the move?
b. Which is overall larger, internal or international migration?
c. Which country is in the top 5 for both immigration and emigration?

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